
February 12, 2025 |

- Easy Keesey: The New Edition of Ray Keesey's Modern Parliamentary Procedure
- DC Enacts Member-Friendly Nonprofit Corp Law, Part I
- DC Enacts Member-Friendly Corp Law, Part II
- DC Enacts Member-Friendly Nonprofit Corp Law, Part III
- Sample Bylaw Provisions for Overriding the Default Provisions of the 2008 Model Nonprofit Corporation Act, Part I
- Sample Bylaw Provisions for Overriding the Default Provisions of the 2008 Model Nonprofit Corporation Act, Part II
- Playing by the Rules: Maintaining Member and Officer Discipline.
(September 25, 2009, presentation at the American Society of Association Executives Annual Association Law Symposium in Washington, DC.)
- Issues of Concern to Parliamentarians Raised by the 2008 Revised Model Nonprofit Corporation Act, published in the 1st quarter, 2009, National Parliamentarian, at p. 24.
- Tax Information for Very Small Nonprofit Organizations, published in the 1st quarter, 2009, National Parliamentarian, at p. 20.
- Issues of Concern to Parliamentarians Raised by the 1988 Revised Model Nonprofit Corporation Act, published in the 4th quarter, 2008, National Parliamentarian, at p. 22.
- Updating Nonprofit Governance to Address the New Form 990, presented at the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network Annual Conference, October 24, 2008.
- Issues of Concern to Parliamentarians Raised by the 1952 Model Nonprofit Corporation Act, published in the 3d quarter, 2008, National Parliamentarian, at p. 16
- "Review of the Third Edition of Donald A. Tortorice's Modern Rules of Order" forthcoming, Parliamentary Journal (2009)
- "Association Relationships Under Scrutiny," materials prepared for American Bar Association Continuing Legal Education Program, New IRS Focus on Nonprofit Governance: Is Your Board Ready? October 1, 2008.
- "Musings on General or Common Parliamentary Law," 49 (3) Parliamentary Journal 101 (July, 2008)
- ABA Releases New Exposure Draft
The Possibilitarian, v.1, issue 2, p.11 (NAP May 2008)
- "Summary of Sources of State Nonprofit Corporation Laws," National Parliamentarian, 2d Quarter, 2008, at 8 (April 2008)
- ABA Code Revision Raises Concerns for Democracy and Parliamentary Law in Nonprofits
69 National Parliamentarian 10 (1st Quarter 2008)
- New IRS Nonprofit "E-postcard"
Filing Requirements
69 National Parliamentarian 36 (1st Quarter 2008)
- Proxy, Proxy, Who Can Use the Proxy?
48 Parliamentary Journal 134 (Oct. 2007)
- Revisions in the Third Edition of Town Meeting Time, the Parliamentary Authority for New England Town Meetings
45 Parliamentary Journal 96 (July 2004)
- Distinctions in Handling Procedural Motions in Town Meeting Time and Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised
45 Parliamentary Journal 52 (April 2004)
- Differences in Basic Approach between Town Meeting Time, the Parliamentary Authority for New England Town Meetings, and Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised
45 Parliamentary Journal 12 (Jan. 2004)
- Meetings Without Rules
Condo Media, v.14, no.12, p.22 (Dec. 2003)
- Parliamentary Do's and Dont's
Condo Media v.14, no.6, p.18 (June 2003)
- By the By: Where Does the Pesky Hyphen in “Bylaws” Come from and When Will It Go Away?
61 National Parliamentarian 20 (4th Quarter 2000)
- Bylaws Amendments at Special Meetings — Questioning The Existence of a "Secret Exception"
40 Parliamentary Journal 100 (July 1999)
- The Novel Motion to Close Suggestions for Filling Blanks
60 National Parliamentarian 21 (1st Quarter 1999)
- Clinching, Mass Reconsideration, and Superclinching — Can They Really Do That?
40 Parliamentary Journal 1 (Jan. 1999)
- Distinctions Between Riddick's Rules of Procedure and Robert's Rules of Order
39 Parliamentary Journal 139 (Oct. 1998)
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